May 20, 2011

DAP Backs MoCS’ Call For Taib’s Resignation

Sarawak PKR has denied any involvement in MoCS' call for Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to step down.

KUCHING: Sarawak DAP has described as “ridiculous” the number of police reports lodged against the Movement for Change Sarawak (MoCS) and its leader Francis Siah, by the ruling Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB).
MoCS and Siah’s call for Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to step down by Aug 13, failing which the movement would mobilise a mass protest, has raised the ire of the PBB Youth wing.

The wing described Siah’s intention to organise a 200,000 strong rally as a public “threat” and wanted Siah to be put under “house arrest” and MoCS investigated.
Commenting on the situation, DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen said: “There is nothing wrong for MoCS to call for Taib to resign. After all, there is no law against it. It is ridiculous of them (PBB) to lodge the police reports.”
Chong said that DAP fully supported MoCS’ call for Taib to step down.
“Not only do we support MoCS, we will also take part in the demonstration if there is a police permit.
“I hope the police will issue MoCS a permit in the event that it organises a peaceful demonstration,” he said, referring to MoCS’ ultimatum to Taib and the mobilising of a protest rally.
Chong, who is also Bandar Kuching MP, said that Taib should step down to claim responsibility for the loss of 16 seats to the opposition in the recently concluded state election.
“The Barisan Nasional’s popularity has also come down to 55% as compared with the previous election,” he said.

No Involvement
Meanwhile, Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian had denied any involvement in MoCS’ call for Taib to quit his post.
“I want to make it very clear that PKR has nothing to do with MoCS. It is MoCS’ ploy.
“Anyone can ask anybody to step down. But whether there is a law to force someone to resign is another question,” he said.
On the police reports against MoCS, Bian, who is also the Ba’Kelalan assemblyman, said that any individual has the right to make a complaint and lodge police reports.
“It is up to the police to investigate whether MoCS has broken the law,” he added.
Contacted today, Siah said that he would not apologise nor retract his statement.
“Why should I apologise or retract my statement in giving ultimatum to Taib to step down?” he said.
Siah said BN people had also asked Lim Guan Eng and Khalid Ibrahim to resign as Penang Chief Minister and Selangor Menteri Besar respectively.
“I am just following what the BN leaders, and in certain instances, cabinet ministers, have done in asking someone to resign,” he added.
Siah asked PBB Youth to adopt a new political culture and not follow its party leaders or masters blindly, adding that if it feels that the party leaders had done wrong, it should have the courage to tell them.
“That is the right thing to do and not to follow them blindly,” he said.
The PBB Youth gave Siah seven days to apologise and retract his statement, failing which it would meet with Home Ministe Hishammuddin Hussein and advise the latter to put Siah under “house arrest”.
-- FMT 

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