Jun 4, 2011

Gone With The GROs: Malaysia's Dignity And Humanity

Written by  J. D. Lovrenciear
It is shocking! It is heart-rending! It is now so very frightening to imagine what next will befall this nation.
How on earth can a nation that has the world's two powerful countries as its trading partners ever behave so disgracefully in the eyes of the world community?
The rakyat or populace is in disbelief as to how could the law enforcement authorities of Malaysia raid, arrest, detain and above all insult and hurt the very human dignity of the women in the raid carried out in Penang this week.

It is beyond the imagination of all dignified and honourable citizens of the world to witness how the Malaysian authorities chain-bound their seeming 'dragnet catch' and to add salt to this wound they even defaced the girls under detention with markings on their bodies.
Where in the world do we witness such derogatory behaviour? And why are we doing such dehumanized deeds?
Look, if you want to arrest illegals at a night club the question that is crucial is: Why in the first place are you licensing and allowing an opeator to function knowing full well they are flouting the law?
Why do we not go after the owner of such sinful outlets and just shut down the flouting premise? Why are we instead going after the seeming vice-girls all the time?
Even if you say that it is a way to curtail others from coming into the country with thoughts of doing the flesh trade, why do you have to treat them like animals at the abattoir?
What has the Head of the nation, the PM have got to say? Or is he going to keep mum? Or is he going to tell the world that this is what we will do without any cares for civil liberties, human dignity and universal code of ethical conduct?
In any other civilized nation, the Head of the erring authority would have resigned or even sacked in disgrace for such horrible, inhuman mistakes.
Indeed we thought we would have learnt our lessons from the C4 incident of the Mongolian national; we thought we would have learnt our lesson from the expose of how we treat detainees all these while as reported in the international media before.
But no! We are adamant. We contiue to breach all sense of human sanity. Now we shudder to imagine what next?
J. D. Lovrenciear is a reader of Malaysia Chronicle

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