Jun 2, 2011

A Most Unholy Matrimony Is Shaping Up Between Umno And PAS

Written by  Iskandar Dzulkarnain
UMNO is up to its tricks again, and this time at the expense of MCA, MIC and other component parties in the Barisan Nasional. With an offer of 3 ministerial posts, probably at the expense of the other parties in BN, it hopes to win PAS over.
Along with that, there may be 5 Menteri Besar posts, so 5 PAS leaders get to be chief minister in this country, just like the infamous Taib Mahmud of Sarawak. Wow, PAS leaders must be thoroughly flattered. Who can resist such a temptation?

But Nik Aziz – the Spiritual Leader of PAS - has put his foot down. Will the rest of PAS rally behind Nik Aziz? PAS leaders are fighting illicit temptation of power, fame, fortune and glory. Who can resist such mouth-watering temptations unless they are the true practitioners of the Islamic faith?
Are the rest of BN in total agreement with this arrangement? What happened to our so-called democracy, and fighting for the individual rights of all races in the country? What does the BN represent? Are the rest of BN so spent, that it cannot muster enough energy to stand up against such an anomaly? Will BN allow one of its partners to sleep unhindered with the enemy? Does it really benefit the rest of the BN coalition to keep their silence and let the inevitable happen?
According to the PAS' Pasir Puteh MP Muhammad Husain, Nik Aziz revealed these latest overtures at a gathering of the Kelantan diaspora in Dengkil, Selangor. “Yes, it is true. He said there were five meetings. It happened recently. It was related to a cooperation between PAS and UMNO," said Muhammad Husain, who was at the gathering.
Nik Aziz, a respected Islamic scholar, has been a vocal critic of cooperation with UMNO, constantly reminding members and leaders about PAS' bad experience of the 1970s when it had formed an alliance with UMNO.
According to Muhammad, Nik Aziz had downright rejected the latest deal as PAS already has a pact with DAP and PKR under Pakatan Rakyat. He said Nik Aziz told the gathering that UMNO had been trying to convince PAS since April last year when Prime Minister Najib Razak began to smell trouble for himself, with voters starting to lose faith in him.
Amazing is the word for it. UMNO has stooped so low as to engage the Opposition in its desperate bid to retain power.
Nik Aziz has said PAS is agreeable to UMNO’s proposal but only if DAP and PKR can tag along to form a 2-coaliton unity government. But while UMNO has rushed to declare it rejects such an idea "outright", it won't resist for long if it wants to survive.
Remember this is Najib we are talking about and he has once said that, "UMNO is not in such an extremely weak position that it needs to search for new alliances, including with PAS.”
But due to the mishandling and weak leadership, UMNO has now sunk into that "extremely weak position".
Malay Unity Rather Than National Unity
So, the truth is out of the bag.
There is no doubt that the BN in trouble. Slowly disintegrating, the coalition is firing SOS flares into the sky, seeking a lifeline and hoping for a greedy green frog to save it from drowning.
Screaming at PAS to embrace Malay Unity, which will come at the expense of the non-Malays, instead of going for a Malaysian Unity that benefits All shows UMNO's desperation and immaturity. They have kept us apart for half a century and still they call for unity without any shame. How ridiculous does it get?
Besides the 3 Ministerial posts, what is there to stop UMNO from creating another 3 Ministerial posts in our already over-bloated Civil Service which is bursting at the seams?
If UMNO acquires PAS, it will be at the expense of the nation. Our nation’s aspirations will take a back seat and it will spell the beginning of the end of democracy.
Until UMNO gets its way, it will resort to all kinds of high-handed tactics to disable the Pakatan, like attempting to de-register PKR and convicting Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim on false sodomy charges.
And after every failed attempt to woo PAS - 5 times already - it will throw tantrums, follow through with a volley of abuse against the Islamist party. UMNO leaders will call it all kind of names, they will also attempt to discredit PAS' Islamic credentials, label PAS leaders as un-Islamic, and further disuniting the Muslims.
Malay rights rabble-rouser Ibrahim Ali recently followed up from where UMNO had left off to insult PAS and warning PAS of dire consequences should it continue to ignore UMNO’s "sincere" overtures.
Highlighting all the supposedly cruel laws that PAS intends to implement if it succeeds to form the Government, UMNO and BN continue to portray PAS in a bad light. At every election BN leaders will have no qualms in warning off voters by insisting that if they voted PAS, the Islamist party will chop off hands, enforce mass circumcision, public whipping and stoning to death.
But what UMNO is actually doing is making a cartoon of Hudud practices, which are a key part of the Islamic faith, and true Muslims should take note of this.
Then in the silence of the night, UMNO will approach PAS for the sixth time, singing a different tune this time and begging forgiveness to be allowed to consummate a marriage with the Islamist party again.
Such is the tragedy of Malaysian Politics.
The Rights of the people are being traded on a daily basis in broad daylight like fish in the market, as our representatives in the Government fight for the spoils of the game, without giving the Rakyat a passing thought.   -      Malaysia Chronicle

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