Aug 25, 2011

UN Syria Sanctions Draft Targets Assad, Family

By Louis Charbonneau

Western nations circulated a draft U.N. resolution on Tuesday that calls for sanctions against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, influential members of his family and key associates.

U.S. and European delegations hope to put the draft resolution to a vote in the 15-nation Security Council as soon as possible. The sanctions are the Western nations’ response to Damascus’ five-month crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators, which the United Nations says has left 2,200 civilians dead.
But Russia, which has veto-power, said it does not think sanctioning Damascus is the right approach at the moment.
The resolution, drafted by Britain, France, Germany, Portugal and the United States and obtained by Reuters, says the council “strongly condemns the continued grave and systematic human rights violations by the Syrian authorities” and “demands an immediate end to the violence.”
While it would call for freezing Assad’s financial assets, as it does for 22 other Syrians, it excludes him from the list of Syrians facing an international travel ban. The draft also lists Assad’s passport number as D19093.
Others targeted for sanctions include Assad’s brother Maher, commander of the army’s 4th armored division, which is said to have played a key role in suppressing protests, Vice President Farouq al-Shara, and Assad’s cousin Rami Makhlouf, a tycoon who controls Syria’s biggest cellphone firm Syriatel.
Among the other individuals on the sanctions list are the defense minister and several senior intelligence officials.
The resolution would impose sanctions on Syria’s General Intelligence Directorate and three companies that it says provide funding for the government. One of the firms, the Military Housing Establishment, is partly controlled by the Syrian defense ministry, the resolution says.
For the full article, click here. For a pdf file of the draft resolution, click here: Draft SCR on Syria.

Source : Reuters


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