Oct 6, 2011

Rais fires back at Guan Eng, but his voice is starting to crack

by  Sherina Yusof
Although the wind may be against him, Information minister Rais Yatim is insistent on continuing his feud with Lim Guan Eng, rebuking the Penang Chief Minister for accusing him of lying and making false statements on the issue of Penang sidelining the use Bahasa Malaysia at official state functions.

According to him, Guan Eng should have advised the administration of Han Chiang College to use Bahasa Malaysia at official functions. Rais was adamant that Huan Chiang College, which is managed by a well-known person close to Guan Eng, used only English and Mandarin during a function in which he had attended as a representative of the Prime Minister on September 29.
According to Rais, the presenter at the event only used those two languages except when a song was sung in the national language.
"There are no reasons for Lim Guan Eng to say that I 'lied' like Utusan. Presenters from the Han Chiang College did not use a single Malay word that night. Guan Eng should have advised his friends in that institution to respect the national language," he said in an SMS to Utusan on Wednesday.
Rais wants to create trouble

Rais was rebutting Guan Eng's press statement issued late on Tuesday night accusing Rais of making false statements. The Penang Chief Minister had challenged Rais in a press statement entitled Datuk Seri Rais Yatim Should Not Lie Like Utusan Malaysia But Prove Which Penang State Official Function He Attended Sidelined Bahasa Malaysia.
Guan Eng had also reminded Rais that Han Chiang College is privately-owned, and the function that Rais attended was organised by the college and not the state government. Guan Eng also warned Rais that should he fail to produce proof, then Rais must withdraw his words and apologize.
"Rais’ claims that he was the only one talking in the national language and a little bit of English, is untrue. I had also spoken in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin. Why did Rais not mention that I also spoke in Bahasa Malaysia? If Rais was unhappy with the manner Han Chiang organised the event, why then did he not convey his unhappiness with Han Chiang? Why did he not demand an explanation from Han Chiang?" said Guan Eng.

What did Rais actually say?
On Tuesday, national news agency Bernama had reported Rais as saying he was frustrated because the national language is not appreciated in Penang after two years under the DAP-led administration.
"I was the only one to speak in the national language, and some English. This shows the attitude towards the national language is very concerning, which is not a good sign in a multi-racial context," Bernama reported Rais as saying.
Presented with the latest accounts from both Rais and Guan Eng, Pakatan Rakyat leaders wasted no time tearing into shreds the Umno leader's "sorry excuse of an explanation".
The pointed to Rais original statement on Tuesday that he "was the only one" to speak in Bahasa. But Guan Eng stated very clearly, he also spoke in Bahasa Malaysia, as well as English and Mandarin.
Then on Wednesday, Rais suddenly shifted focus to the "presenter" speaking only English and Mandarin. Again, he ignored Guan Eng's presence, as to count the PM Chief Minister, he would be admitting to his own lie or stretching of the truth.
Playing the race card again
Pakatan leaders also asked why did Rais bring in the matter of the "well-known" person managing Han Chiang, whom Utusan reported is close to Guan Eng? Were Rais and Utusan trying to suggest impropriety on Guan Eng's part?
As Guan Eng said, GE-13 may be close by but to continue to stir racial hatred will not only backfire against Umno, but is dangerous for the nation.
"The Penang state government wishes to express dismay at the systematic and serial attempts to undermine the Penang state government with lies and racist sentiments. Even though this is to be expected in the general elections season, raising the racial temperature is not only desperate but a highly irresponsible and reckless act that threatens the harmony and stability of our society," said Guan Eng.

Source : MC

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