Oct 6, 2011

S’wak PKR pushes Britain to probe Taib

is being highly treasured &
protected by PM Najib Razak
&  BN regime, putting him
above all laws in Malaysia.

By Joseph Tawie

Sarawak PKR is glad that the Australian government is probing Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's 'investments' Australia.
KUCHING:  The opposition in Sarawak is asking the British government to investigate Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s alleged properties in London.
They also want the British government to disclose to them the details of Taib’s wealth abroad.
Both requests, Sarawak PKR Baru Bian said, were contained in a letter they were writing to the British government.

“If there are such wealth owned by Taib and his family that have been taken out from Sarawak, we want London to inform us, because we want the wealth to be returned to the people of Sarawak.
“The letter to that effect has been drafted and we are sending it any time now.”
Bian said the PKR was concerned about the unprecedented wealth and allegations related to it.
“We are very concerned about this.  That is why we are pursuing this matter seriously,” Bian added.
The Ba’Kelalan assemblyman was commenting on a news item quoting the Australian government as having alerted its Attorney-General’s Department to focus on a report which alleged corrupt practices by Taib and his family members in the country.
In the report it is alleged that Taib and his family ‘might have laundered and reinvested large amounts of corruption proceeds in Australia’.

No news from MACC
Apart from Australia, Switzerland and Germany have initiated investigations into properties owned by Taib and his family.
In London, where Taib and his family own some properties, the British government is monitoring companies with connections to Taib and his family.
Bian said that he was glad that the Australian government was taking the complaints seriously and has directed an investigation.
He also expressed curiosity at the status of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigations into reports against Taib.
“What is happening to our Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission?
“And what is the status of its inquiry and investigation?
“We have not heard about it,” he said.

Different democracy
MACC announced just before the state election that it had begun investigations into complaints against Taib and his family for alleged corruption, abuse of power and cronyism.
“I don’t know what is wrong with MACC. Why is it  delaying the investigation especially when it involves people in higher authorities or big names.
“Is MACC serious or is it merely rhetoric?
“Everybody is asking those questions,” Bian said.
Asked whether Taib should resign, he said that unlike in other countries, Malaysia’s type of democracy is different.
The police and MACC can carry out investigations but the prosecution needs to be initiated by the Attorney-General in the federal government.
“If the AG refuses, all the investigations mean nothing.”

Source : FMT

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