May 22, 2011

The Real Python Behind Najib And Anwar

Written by  J. D. Lovrenciear
The media continues to either champion Najib or Anwar. The developments appear very crystal clear that the rakyat's real enemy is made out to be either Najib or Anwar.
And so we are witnessing a kind of a 'spy verses spy' sequel as supporters of both figure-heads take turns to go for the throats of Najib or Anwar depending on which side of the fence they fight this battle.
In all likelihood, we may all be wrong after all. Wrong in the sense that Najib or Anwar are not the rakyat's real enemies. Then who?
Remember not so very long ago when the then Prime Minister of Malaysia shed tears at the podium as he declared that he cannot go on any more leading the nation. It was some sort of what we would translate in the local context as 'saya tak tahan lagi lah'.

Remember how he stepped down and how the drama unfolded on stage as those around him ran to him on his left and right and front and back as they pleaded that he must stay.
Now, the same in a way also goes for his immediate successor PM who was unfairly labelled and forced to step down within a short stay?
The Bloody Looters 

Come to think of it, the real enemies of the rakyat are actually not all these 'front-desk' leaders. There are unseen hands at work that is dictating the rules and the scores. These are the same hands that are actually holding the rakyat like pawns in their great game of power and control.
Or if you do not like the big words 'power and control' you can settle for a more crude description of what they actually do. That is, they are bloody looters. They hold the entire population at ransom and dictate the terms of reference so that they can continue to loot.
These are the real enemies of the rakyat. They are the real threat to King and nation too.
We may snuff the wind from the sail of Najib or Anwar. But the best bet is the unseen hands will then twist and twirl what is left to their advantage.
And so the rakyat remain enslaved. They remain merely consoling themselves having had won the battle for their seeming leader they supported. We celebrate the winnings.
But we remain ignorant of the unseen hands that is swinging this nation left, right and centre. And when the looting hits a frenzy, they will be the ones who will inject a rebellion of sorts. We see it happening in Egypt. In Tunisia. In so many nations.
In fact anyone who studied Chinese history will see the patterns all too clearly. Or Western history for that matter, just in case the spinners in Malaysia use this letter to the editor to cannon ball the Malaysians chinese.
What do we do? Any suggestions?
-- Malaysia Chronicle

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