Oct 3, 2011

Radio Free Sarawak Returns Monday 3rd October

After its recent break Radio Free Sarawak is re-launching this week with an expanded team and greater ambitions.
The show kicks off with a two hour daily timeslot from 6 – 8 pm on the Short Wave band 17560 kHz.  It will also be available free online via the website www.radiofreesarawak.org .

As before, the station will continue to focus on the concerns and interests of the ordinary people of Sarawak, mainly rural folk, who currently have no access to an independent news source.
However, it will also address urban and Malaysia-wide issues in recognition of its popular following among internet users and listeners from other states.
Radio Free Sarawak will provide an alternative platform to the government-controlled brhoadcast and print media, which only exists to praise and promote the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, and neglects such issues as land-grabs, disenfranchisement and corruption.
The station will reach out and listen to the voices of the people of Sarawak and work on exposing the problems that have resulted in Malaysia’s richest state becoming home to many of its poorest people.
Expect to hear voices also from the opposition parties, who achieved nearly half the votes at the state election (despite BN vote rigging), but who never get adequate recognition from the licenced media.
And, of course there will be plenty of music and entertainment with the return of popular D Jays Papa Orang Utan (who will host the Sunday show), Kakak Burung Tiong, along with a new voice leading day time news coverage Michael Ngau.
For further information please contact The Radio Free Sarawak Website

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