Oct 12, 2011

Christians say no reason to apologise, slam Hasan Ali over Jais-DUMC

by  Maria Begum
Muslim NGO Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia or Isma has demanded an apology from the Damansara Utama Methodist Church and all those involved in holding a recent AIDS fundraiser that it alleged was a cover-up for proselytizing Muslims. But Christian groups are having none of it and see no reason to apologize at all.

"Apologise for what, why should the Christians apologize. If there is no evidence, then it is all hearsay. On what basis is the demand made to the Christians to apologize," Ramon Navartnam, a lay Christian leader and past president of Transparency International told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Frankly, I am disappointed at the reaction from such groups. Regardless of whether they are Muslim, secular of Christians, there are such things as universal good values of humility, of love for truth, good conscience, and love for all mankind that cuts across the all colors and faiths."
Emboldened by Sultan's statement
Ramon was responding to the call for an apology from Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman.
Abdullah had based his demand on a statement issued by the Selangor Sultan that implied there were indeed attempts to subvert the faith and beliefs of Muslims at the fundraiser organised by Harapan Kommuniti.
The Sultan's statement has been panned by Christian groups who minced no words in accusing him of favouring the Muslim community at their expense. Indeed, while the Selangor Ruler spoke of 'evidence' of proselytization, he was also quick to say legal action could not be taken because of a 'lack' of evidence.
Nonetheless, this has not stopped groups like Isma from further rattling their sabres, emboldened by the Sultan's statement.
“The issues raised by the event have caused Muslims to feel concerned that it will become a concern and a threat if not stopped. His Highness’ stand, which views Jais’ actions objectively, has shown his concern for this sensitive issue," Abdullah Zaik said in a statement.
Sultan's statement favored Jais
The Sultan, who is head of Islamic affairs in the state, ordered that no further action be taken against DUMC, Harapan Kommuniti or Jais, which raided the church building without any search warrant on August 3.
The Sultan's decision came after a long-delay by Jais in submitting the report on the DUMC raid. Amid a huge public outcry, Jais or the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department, had claimed it raided the DUMC premises because it had evidence that the Christians there were trying to convert the Muslim guests.
It has also hauled up the 12 Muslim guests attending the dinner to the Syariah court, but no action has been taken. Meantime, the Sultan has advised that all 12 be given counselling.
The entire episode is regarded as a bare-faced attempt by the Umno-controlled Jais to get the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government in trouble with the Muslim electorate in the state.
The Hasan Ali factor
PAS councilor for Selangor Hasan Ali has also been among those who has thrown his support behind Jais, but then Hasan's loyalty to Pakatan has always been question. He was recently stripped of his position as state commissioner. It is likely that after this episode, his DAP and PKR colleagues will pressure his PAS party to drop him from the state council.
On Monday, after the Sultan's statement had been issued, Hasan was among the first to insist that Sultan's words confirmed there was proselytization.
This has sparked a sharp retort from Bishop Paul Tan.
“In leaping to his conclusions in the matter of alleged Christian proselytisation of Muslims at the dinner hosted by the DUMC, Hasan has been grossly negligent in respect of evidence evaluation," said Bishop Paul.
“He has done a grave disservice to the cause of the judicial system his party is on record as propounding for the good of citizens in this country. People are going to look at the way he has leaped from arbitrary fact to accusatory conclusion in this matter and say what kind of system is his party propounding that allows a grave accusation to be preferred on a dubious evidentiary basis.”
But perhaps Hasan's heart is not with the Pakatan anymore. In the aftermath of the 2008 election, he had wanted PAS to form a unity government with Umno in Selangor, with himself as Mentri Besar.
There have been previous calls to PAS president Hadi Awang to chastise Hasan. But so far, Hadi has refused to do so. This time, chances are high that Hasan will create a huge backlash for PAS.
Let this be a lesson to you Christians, says Isma
Meanwhile, Isma called on state religious councils and religious affairs departments nationwide to learn from the DUMC incident and “always take proactive measures to see issues holistically".

Rather than treat the 12 as having committed a ‘crime’, Isma said they should be perceived as victims of Christian conversion attempts and counselled so that any confusion or misunderstanding they may have about their faith can be corrected.
“That the organiser of the event was let off without any charge should serve as a lesson,” said Abdullah.
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Source : MC

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