Oct 12, 2011

Sex again! Insatiable Najib and Umno ticked off for One Night in Bangkok

by  Wong Choon Mei
When it comes to sex, it looks Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Umno party are insatiable. Right on cue, after the mega-flop of Najib's Budget 2012, Umno bloggers have uploaded yet another sex snippet, this time implicating Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in a new 'hotel' video.

"Umno-BN now tries to hide its economic mismanagement, abuse of power and corrupt practices by conniving at fabricated sex videos. These videos are released periodically by a sleazy website which is aligned to Umno and heaps vile abuse on the opposition," PKR vice president N Surendran told Malaysia Chronicle.
"During the earlier 'Datuk T' sex video fiasco, it was shocking to see the synchronised way in which public statements were being issued by the 'Datuk T trio, top Umno leaders and the police force leadership. It was nothing less than a carefully concerted effort to destroy the political career of Anwar Ibrahim and halt Pakatan Rakyat's march to Putrajaya."
According to the Star, a 2.25-minute video clip entitled One Night in Bangkok or Round Two was uploaded on Monday. The video was purportedly recorded in a hotel room in Bangkok on January 13 this year.
Umno's Bangkok fetish
As Surendran said, the clips were found in the ususal Umno sites www.papagomo.com; stopthelies.my as well as www.parpukari.blogspot.com. The bloggers also queried Anwar's whereabouts on January 12 and 13.
They also included details of KLIA-Bangkok MAS flights MH 782 that left KLIA at 3.15pm on Jan 12; and MH 785 that left Bangkok at 11.05am the following day. But unlike the the sensational February Datuk T video clip showing a man resembling Anwar having sex with a prostitute, the latest clip did not containf sex scenes.
However, one of the bloggers claimed that Round Two was coming soon. Nonetheless, there is unlikely to be much interest in the tapes other than in its pornographic details.
Most Malaysians have already made up their minds if Anwar is gulity or if Najib is guilty. The overkill of the Datuk T video had boomeranged in a nasty fashion against Najib, contributing to the recent plunge in his popularity rating to 59% in August versus 65% in May. After all, Najib is himself dogged by scandal over an alleged affair with murdered Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Deep distrust that even a cash-studded Budget cannot overcome
Even in the ongoing Sodomy II trial that Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor have been accused of fabricating against Anwar to derail his political comeback, most Malaysians found the testimony of Dutch spine specialist Dr Thomas Hoogland credible. Thomas had said Anwar had limited mobility in his back and hip motion and it was "very unlikely" that he could have sodomised the complainant.
On the other hand, Najib and Rosmah stirred up huge public suspicion against themselves when they refused to take the witness stand against Anwar, throwing civic mindedness and responsibility to the winds as they fought to protect themselves against a grilling by Anwar's lawyers. The upshot of that was that it gave the impression that both were guilty as Anwar had charged.
It was no wonder that when Najib unveiled his much-hyped Budget 2012 on Friday that it hardly stirred public enthusiasm despite a slew of cash incentives.
"It is surely no coincidence that this new video comes at a time when Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his government are desperately trying to defend the recently tabled Budget 2012. The government's budget proposal has been convincingly exposed as dangerously weak and based on wildly optimistic growth projections," said Surendran.
"The budget does nothing to address longstanding imbalances and distortions in the economy, and one-off handouts are irresponsibly promised in order to create a feel-good factor in the run-up to the 13th general election. Respected analysts and economists have slammed it, and the public is extremely disappointed. The government should withdraw and drastically amend their budget proposal, and not seek to distract the rakyat by condoning and conniving at the dissemination of more fabricated sex-videos."

Source : MC

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