by Moaz Nair
Hudud, the singular hadd (حد) literally means
"limit", or "restriction", is the word commonly used in
Islamic literature for the realms of acceptable behaviour and the punishments
for serious crimes. Hudud is actually a non-issue if politicians do not mess
around with it for political expedient.
Hudud is part of syariah or Islamic law for the Muslims and the non-Muslims have nothing to fear about this religious-related law. Even in an Islamic state, hudud is not imposed on non-Muslims unless they themselves prefer to adhere to it.
Hudud is part of syariah or Islamic law for the Muslims and the non-Muslims have nothing to fear about this religious-related law. Even in an Islamic state, hudud is not imposed on non-Muslims unless they themselves prefer to adhere to it.
But, when it comes to politics even religion could be
exploited for some manipulative or devious reasons. The duplicitous course
deployed by a senior politician to pass the ball to PAS or Kelantan on the
hudud issue is all politically stirred. The people, on the other hand, see this
scheme as a trivial issue – a political cliché - and they are not going to be
easily taken in by this political ruse anymore. The unequivocal fact is that
PAS does not control the Federal Government and thereby have no power to
implement hudud in Kelantan - if they decide to - without the consent of the
latter. The priority of moderate PAS in a multi-racial and multi-religious
Malaysia, nevertheless, is to implement Islamic socialism where the economic and
social welfare of the people are fundamental.
on fornication
Be it as it may, the Muslims have their appropriate ways to
interpret hudud from the Islamic point of view. PAS has many learned scholars
or ulama that could chalk on this by not hurting the sensitivity of the
non-Muslims. PAS, being a moderate Islamic party, would have the right formula
for all Malaysians to live in peace. PAS believes in democracy and the rights
of every citizen irrespective of race or religion. The harmonious multi-racial
society of Kelantan since before independence testifies to this theory.
MCA for this reason does not need to pull out from Barisan
Nasional (BN) if the latter were to implement hudud anytime soon. Nevertheless,
one element that deserves punishment under hudud is fornication. MCA has to be
edified that hudud involves punishment on fornication - a term that typically
refers to consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each
other. In modern usage, the term is often replaced with the more secular terms
premarital sex, sex before marriage or extramarital sex. To some others in UMNO
or BN, it is a wise reminder that fornication does not exclude sex with minors.
is an Islamic state
Our Grand Old Man – the fourth prime minister of the country
(from 1981 to 2003), also the BN chief at the time, did declare that Malaysia
is an Islamic state. Accordingly and by virtue of the country being an Islamic
state, hudud law has to be an essential ingredient of it. Since the BN chief
had already declared that Malaysia is an Islamic state, BN should not give any
excuse not to implement hudud. However, a senior minister just declared that he
is not against hudud but he feels that the time is not yet right for it to be
implemented. This is a good political manoeuvre, indeed. Anyway, there is still
hope that when the time is right hudud would be implemented by BN, as this is
part and parcel of an Islamic state. This political progress in BN should not
scare MCA either, unless if there is something that MCA is very worried about.
When the country was declared as an Islamic state by the
UMNO/BN chief then, all the component parties at the time were silent. There
was no objection but it was an elegant silence on their part and in the usual
BN spirit this naturally means consent. For this reason, there is no rationale
for MCA to be politically jolted if BN were to implement hudud when the right
time comes, as hinted by a senior UMNO minister. They should not bring MCA out
of BN at anytime, as they had already given their silent consent for an Islamic
state earlier. In any case, in matters relating to hudud, MCA has a choice to
tag along BN if they wish to. It would be advisable for MCA to tag along since
this very much conforms to the spirit of Barisan Nasional or 1Malaysia.
Undeniably, hudud law when implemented by BN under an Islamic
state would see some sexually tainted politicians in real trouble, as they now
have to face Divine law. The country is not in short supply of political
rabbits among men.
grotty politicians would be totally damned
But then power talks and some politicians could still thank
their stars as they are in the right political divide even when BN implements
hudud. Law – for that matter even Divine law - could still be manipulated for
political interests. These tarnished politicians would not be easily charged in
court for their misdemeanours. In this country, if you are in the right
political split you are quite safe as long as you are not a rebel. The media
would help portray you as a first-rate clean-like-new politician. The media
would venerate you like a saint or idolise you like a pop icon. Nevertheless,
in the eyes of the general public, sexually grotty politicians would be totally
damned and this would be expressed through the ballot box in the next general
Western or not western, sex has ruined many political
aspirants. Despite the liberal attitude some people have towards sex, the
people in general - in almost all societies - are not ready to recognise politicians
who are doomed in sexual ignominy. It’s would a disrepute for those who are
God-fearing to accept them as leaders.
politician wants to remain with the crown on his head
Political sex scandals have a long history in many countries.
Every student of political science or national politics in the developed
countries would have to do in-dept research on this subject. Let’s hope the
same be done in our local universities, as we are targeting to achieve
developed status by 2020 and a better ranking for our universities.
The rave over this insightful subject is phenomenal in most
highly-ranked universities. Academic papers and doctoral theses have been
written on juicy and covetous scandals involving politicians and the
implications in their political career. Nothing is veiled when it comes to
politicians and their sexual misdemeanours in the developed world.
The library and the Internet are filled with oceans of
information and graphic depictions on this misconduct – leaving nothing for the
imagination. The media in the developed world do not inter these scandals for
fear of politicians but archive them for the public to savour. The palpable
reason to this exposure is that in developed countries you must be seen clean
before you could climb up the political ladder. This may not be necessary in
our political set-up. A politician could be sexually perverted and yet he wants
to remain with the crown on his head.
is aphrodisiac
The public should suggest that our students studying on
Malaysian politics in local universities come up with more research on some of
our sexually spoilt politicians. Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) once said: “Power
not only corrupts but it is also an aphrodisiac.” Power at times could make a
man lose his sense of judgment when the opposite sex is factored into his life.
Studies have shown that not only politicians but even intellectuals - the like
of Albert Einstein - have succumbed in many ways to women’s gracefulness and
lure. Women, so they say, must be God’s finest creation!
Many politicians in the past have been caught with their
fingers in the till when it comes to fornication. Technology has helped record
and disseminate sensational sexual scenes involving politicians, which
otherwise would not have been known to the public. Many would subsequently
confess and quit politics. Some are adamant to stay on despite being loathed by
the public. Many others have weathered the brunt of the tempest, but their
long-term political bearing is certainly in question.
Politicians across the world have also been implicated in
sexual misconduct for political reasons and the pitiable victims stay on to
fight their case. Some, as noted in history, have succumbed to the political
pressure and leave politics. Dictators like Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and Joseph
Stalin (1878–1953) had in the past used sex as a weapon to demonise their
political nemeses. It was found to be an effective propaganda to bring down
their political foes. Some world leaders are following their modus operandi for
the same reason.
Politics and sex seem to be inseparable for good or bad
reasons. In some countries politicians are charged in court for this misconduct
and in some others they are not, depending on whether those implicated are on
the right or wrong political divide. Power and politics could determine whom to
charge or implicate in sexual misconduct and whom not to. This is the ugly side
of politics.
studies on sexually tainted politicians
In the US for instance, a student of American politics would
have to do research on as many politicians as they could who were involved in
sexual misdeeds or fornication. Academic papers have been written on many
sexually avaricious politicians, theses discussed in seminars and political
conferences and this has become no secret any longer. Students are exposed to
many case studies relating to this subject fully aided with visual proofs of
Some of the juicy case studies involved a South Carolina
politician who captured the nation’s attention when he was caught having an extra-marital
affair with an Argentinean woman. This case study captured a lot of attention
from students of politics. It is not the first time a case study of a
politician embroiled in a sex scandal is openly discussed in public. There are
many more and it certainly would not be the last.
There are case studies on some of the most prominent names in
American politics, from Thomas Jefferson to Ted Kennedy, who have been
allegedly involved in sex scandals. Another case study involved a former U.S.
senator and presidential candidate, whose political career ended when
photographs were released of him with Donna Rice on his boat. One popular case
study involved the 42nd president of the United States. The President adamantly
denied an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky until his DNA showed
up on Lewinsky’s dress. He stayed on to complete his second term as president,
who were involved with minors
Interestingly, case studies also involved those politicians
who were insatiably involved with minors. One notable case study is on a former
U.S. Republican who had a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign
worker. Another case study involved a former Oregon governor who had a sexual
relationship with a 14-year-old babysitter.
Only less than 5 percent of these scandals did not result in
the demise of the individuals’ political career. One of the most widely
discussed in this category is probably related to a late U.S. Senator who
pleaded guilty for leaving the scene of an accident in Chappaquiddick when he
ran his car against and off a bridge, killing Mary Jo Kopechne.
Political sexual scandals have a long history in most
countries – West and East. It has happened in almost all countries. Some
political careers have survived scandals, while others have not been so
fortunate. Rapacious sexual drive is purely a lust driven mad dash without they
realising the consequence of these misdemeanours on their political careers. In
most of these past case studies, however, these political rabbits generally
treated their sexual chums with charm. Thank God, those vulnerable women were
not sent to Heaven to meet God prematurely through heartless means after men’s
voracious sensual spell.
could start the ball rolling
We hope to see more research of this nature done on Malaysian
politics in our local universities for the society to understand more about the
luscious sexual life of our politicians. Perhaps political leaders could chip
in their thoughts on these issues. It is not too often that academics consult
politicians on matters of intellectual importance, what more on issues that
involve the baser instinct. Let this be an exception, though, for the sake of
public interests. Now, it is indeed an opportunity for politicians to engage
the academia and let MCA start the ball rolling.
Casino Classic

Source : MC
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