by Melissa Lee
Only in Malaysia is a favourite phrase of Malaysians
themselves, usually used in a slightly derogatory way towards Prime Minister
Najib Razak's BN government, which is suffering its biggest credibility crisis
in 5 decades of political hegemony.
Bolehland (or
anything-goes-land) is another favourite to describe the rule of former
premier Mahathir Mohamad in a reference to his contriversial methods of ramming
through all and sundry including blatant falsehoods in order to secure the
poltical upperhand in the country.
As such, it comes as no surprise when Australian DNA expert
Dr Brian McDonald told Prime Minister Najib Razak's government that it was the
only one in the world that could capture a sperm sample from the anus of a
sodomy complainant 56 hours after intercourse, leave it in a filing Cabinet for
another two days, and then still be able to find DNA that could be matched to
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
of 104 hours, half of which was in a non-clinical environment
According to McDonald, the total time lapse of 104
hours made it one of the longest documented discoveries in the world.
"In my experience the last 20 years, it would give poor
results," a scathing McDonald told the court on Thursday.
He was then asked to explain a 1997 article shown to him two
days ago by the prosecution that documented a sperm sample as having been found
in the rectum after 113 hours.
“That case, along with the 1982 case, are the only two
documented. In 99.9 percent of the cases, you cannot find sperm at all after
such long hours. However, this case (in Malaysia) is the only one in the world
where the sperm can be captured after 56 hours and given to the chemist two
days later, where you can still find a good DNA sample," explained the
Australian expert.
of DNA tests in doubt
McDonald said that to his knowledge, and according to some
journals, one could can find a good DNA after the sample was retrieved from the
rectum after eight hours. Any longer than that was in the realm of the
doubtful. "In other cases I have seen eight hours after retrieval, that
DNA has been identified," he said.
He added that degradation was a key factor and the credibility
of the Malaysian test results were weak given the bizarrely long lapse in time.
Anwar was accused of sodomising a former aide in June 2008,
weeks after announcing he would return to active politics. He has blamed Prime
Minister Najib Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor for conspiring with the complainant
in a bid to destroy his political career.
Both Najib and Rosmah were supoenaed to the the witness
stand, but have chickened out and are applying to have the order to appear
struck off. The court will hear their application on September 29.
Meanwhile, the trial continues on Friday.
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Source : MC
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